
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall's Gift

Moscow, thank you for the gift of two perfect spring days in the midst of fall, when even an early Saturday morning blood test on an empty stomach is a joy. What's it like there where you are?

P.S. Our current temperatures in Celsius on the left and Fahrenheit on the right.


  1. ..we had a wonderful gift here last week , almost 30 degrees C , CAN YOU BELIEVE !!!It felt almost like a holiday ,but now it's back to normal - rain , wind and cold ...but it was amazing enjoy those hot day's ..

  2. It's cold here, although we had amazing weather last weekend so I cannot complain! x

  3. It is cool, breezy and beautiful here in little old Florida!

  4. i had two perfect days like that last weekend and it was gorgeous!

  5. Yeah it's been in the 70s here in CT!


  6. I totally know what you mean about spring weather.

    Sydney had some Spring days a few weeks ago but it's been cold cold cold since and I have been such a grouch haha. ;)

    The Cat Hag
    Join My Giveaway

  7. Ahhhhh, I would kill for this weather! It's 82 degrees here, and I am roasting!! I hate hot weather. Where did October go?
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  8. Luckily, we have a good sunny day here in Cupertino, San Francisco as well.
    First, to answer your question what exactly happened to our suburbs in Cupertino..... for 1, Apple's founder, Steve Job, past away and the company's headquarter is at our Cupertino. for 2, the very same day a crazy male shot 12 people during company meeting and 3 dead... what a drastic day for us, right? THen after 24 hr. flee, he got shot to dead by couple policer officer!.. *whew*...

    So, now "Cupertino" gets even more famous than ever. ^O^

    You have a great day, dear.

    xo Rachel

  9. In Spain, is still quite hot! I am looking forward for some rain! <3<3

  10. The weekend was amazing in Athens the temps at 28c and very sunny. Today it rains and the weather is finally fall like, at 15c.

  11. The weather is crazy! Here in Spain is still like summer, but I like it!

  12. I can still wear short sleeves. : )

  13. omg, those are so different from each other!!! hahah. Well Saturday it was sunny and then sunday and monday were delightfully rainy and gray. PS I am going to email you tomorrow! I meant to this weekend but it slipped my lazy mind!

  14. We've had 70 - 80 degree weather (Fahrenheit) in Minnesota recently. Yesterday it did get a little cool and rainy towards the end of the day (which I thought was supposed to happen today). I guess towards the end of the week we're supposed to get more Fall-like weather. People are ecstatic about the warm weather we've been having but I've heard that this kind of weather indicates a harsher winter. I've also heard that we're supposed to have a longer, colder, snowier winter. So... I don't know about it! LOL! :)

    Oh, I've been meaning to respond to a couple of comments that you have left: 1) If you'd like to know all the details of Letter from an Unknown Woman without watching it I'll send you an email to tell you what it's about. 2) Contagion is a great film. Very thought-provoking! If you decide to see it, let me know. I'd love to talk about it with someone! 3) I will be talking more about the Halloween party. I'm so excited! Probably after the party because some people who will be attending watch my blog and I don't want to spoil any of it. :)

  15. nice, over thanksgiving the weather was pretty much like summer here, it was awesome! hope your blood test went well!

  16. I love a little bit of unseasonably warm weather. Enjoy!

    P.S. I gave you an award over on my blog. Stop on over when you can:)

  17. Hope you are feeling okay! The weather here has been glorious except one day of rain last week. But you'd never know it now, 70 degrees and sun shining :)

    xo Mary Jo

  18. is it taken from iphone? cool!

  19. I know how rare beautiful days like that are in Moscow in fall...enjoy!


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)