
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Being Thankful is a Choice

It's what you choose to see and notice that dictates your mood, rules your world and gives you impressions of life. Being thankful is a choice, so choose to be thankful.

Need a picture example? Here it is:

You can look out of your hotel room window and choose to have an apartment building view. Or you can look better and notice your hotel's perfectly lovely inner yard. The choice is all yours.

You can look to the right and see not such a lovely roof of the building nearby... Or you can look to the left and notice a gorgeous sunset. The choice is all yours.

Photos by me: first two taken in Milan, last two taken in Moscow and are what you actually see looking out of my parents' bedroom window.


  1. These are gorgeous shots. :) I wish I had fabulous views such as these to wake up to every morning! But my choice is to save my money and stay in my boring little apartment for now. Ha!

    I hope you had a great weekend! xoxo

  2. Thanks for sharing--the photos are super, and the message is good as always. It is one's attitude that makes a difference.

  3. You are so right. Sometimes you just have to change your perspective, so to speak:)


  4. You are so right, it's all about the perspective! I love that we're getting an actual view from your Parents' house. So great to see glimpses of the beauty that's around you :)

    Also- I have yet to make it to the Post Office, your magazine will be mailed when I do my Christmas mailing! Just FYI :)

  5. Outstanding hilarious pictures! Wow great shots..... Cheers!

    Sample Survey

  6. ..I so agree with you Julia , sometimes if people are happy they never ever notice anything 'grey' , usually people who are in Love see everything beautiful behind ..

    Great examples as well !

  7. Very true! I always try to keep an open mind about things and see beauty in almost everything! Makes life easier and much happier!

  8. Ohhhh we didnt enter your giveaway, soo sad. Please give us another one :(


  9. Oh my good that is so true =) Really like your blog, where in the states do you live? planing on going there..

  10. Hi Julia! I apologize for not getting to visit more often. Lost my internet connection for more than a month so most of the time, I only have enough time to compose an entry then publish. But my internet connection is repaired already so yey :)

    Unfortunately I missed your giveaway :(( the necklaces are too cute!!!

  11. Love this, I completely agree, being thankful is a choice. Sometimes a hard one to make, but knowing that makes all the difference sometimes. Thanks for continuing to brighten my day so often.

  12. I love this post. It is so true. When I notice that I'm feeling down I have to take the time to stop and think about what I'm thankful for in the situations that are bringing me down. This is a great reminder that there is always something to be thankful for.

  13. I'm afraid i'm not looking for lovely inner yards or to gorgeous sunsets lately. Thank you for reminding me :) Sometimes i forget it


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)