
Monday, March 12, 2012

Meet Stephanie: Our August "Quote"

Stephanie is a life enthusiast who is featured as the August "quote" in the Thankful Calendar 2012. This 30-year old from Pittsburgh, PA, has a passion for inspiring those over-stressed, with anxiety and those with mild-to-moderate mental illness to live life uninhibited. Stephie calls herself a depression hacker and she's on a mission to challenge and dispel common myths and misconceptions of mental illness through her blog, Demystifying My Depression, as well as learn more about herself through her own experience with it. Interestingly enough, Stephie names Russian and East European culture and languages as one of her interests, so her participation in the Russian girl's project's calendar must've been in the stars somewhere. And she knows how to crochet too!

I am thankful for the sunshine and that it's FRIDAY!

Stephanie on her featured quote:

"When I wrote my quote, I was working in my previous career as a graphic designer + dreading it everyday. Many people are aghast to learn that I left a creative field; it seems so glamorous. It took me a long time to accept that design wasn't my passion, that that is okay + that because I was forcing it anyway, I was aggravating my latent mental illness. Needless to say, my 20s were not a fun time of my life. The changes I have made so far have greatly improved my mental health + have led me to live in my passion of helping others to live an uninhibited life of their own. It was a long, perilous journey to get here, but I'm now lighter, happier + better equipped for the journey ahead...  under more sun-shiny skies, of course:)"

You can get the Thankful Calendar 2012 here & view more photos of it here!


  1. Perfect post! I can relate with Stephanie, for me as well my earlier/mid 20's were very stressful and lacked direction and purpose. The older I am the wiser, so I'm thankful for my previous years of experience and looking forward to the future with lighter heart.

  2. I was depressed about six months ago and I was sure my life would end there. But my mother bought kats naturals CBD oil for me and I underwent a course of treatment. Of course, I went to a therapist to the result was more effective. But still I am happy that there is an opportunity to cure depression using CBD oil.


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)