
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful for Dancing

Anyone else here who is thankful for dancing?


  1. Me! Never mind that I have two left feet, I just love it when you get to dance, let loose, and feel like there's no worries in the world :)

  2. I am!! I love dancing so much. I would like to start taking classes again soon but for now I'll keep dancing around the house! :)

    1. Classes sounds good! What kind of classes do you want to be taking?

  3. Hi Julia, I'm thankful and gracious for dancing - especially when I get up from my desk chair and I feel my hips, knees and body ache... But grateful I am, indeed and wanting to thank you for this beautiful blog.

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I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)