Monday, April 5, 2010

Male Advice

Always trying to be wise, to make the most of any situation and to learn as much as possible from people who come into my life and influence me (something I’ve been doing since I remember myself), I’ve always taken advice given to me by men very seriously. Firstly, because men, and especially young men, don’t give advice often, making it all the more valuable, and secondly, because most of the time when men do give you a piece of advice they do so from the heart and without any bad intentions, unlike so many jealous girlfriends do.

I was 16 and he was 23, it was a summer time and we both were beach vacation goers. He was all about good looks and he certainly wasn’t stupid or rude, but he didn’t seem adventurous enough for me to really want to pursue him. So I kept letting him get very close and then pushed him away, again and again. I thought he’d hate me by the end of those two weeks, but instead I heard him say – “You’ve got an awesome personality. Please, don’t ever change”.

Simple as that. Or at least that’s how I still remember it to this day - there’s a chance he phrased it differently. And maybe his name wasn’t really Ismail as I remember it, but what matters is, I took it seriously, knowing what he meant by this impromptu piece of advice. It’s stuck in my head ever since and I am thankful.


  1. He seems like a genuine guy... and the words that he uttered came from the heart. Happy Monday Julia. xoxo

  2. true that homeslice, a lesson can be taken away from anything.

  3. I love the things you think to say "thank you" for because they always make me think. It is so true that a boys' advice tends to be more authentic because it is true, they just say what they mean when they want to say it. That's really sweet (and funny- "or at least that's how I remember it...") haha

  4. Nothing better than to receive such a reinforcing comment at that age... I agree with you, girls tend to talk a lot (about anything) and guys tend to be more reserved so I really appreciate the things that my male friends have to say about my life, I guess it’s because it comes out more thought and special.

  5. How nice when a good, sound, selfless piece of advice comes with a pure heart from a man, or from anyone for that matter! Hope he knows somehow that you've carried that with you. I bet so.

  6. I love that you remember this story and soo true about male advice... possibly why most of my close friends are guys (that and the lack of drama!)

  7. ..I really love this post , it made me remember myself 16 again ..
    Guys are honest and true , they will not hide and make gossip about things but will be very straight ..for me , I always think that men must know every single answer on the planet , because my Grandad , honestly , always had an answer on my neverending questions and now I'm going mad when my bf or even dad 'Don't know' ..wierd really ..
    People trying to change us during the life and there is no better thing that to stay yourself - True yourself ..

  8. Such an interesting story.Sometimes I have long discussions with my girlfriends, we examine every angle of a situation before assesing the solution. And then I can talk to a guy about the same problem and they sum it all up in a simple sentence, and I am like, "eureka! That's what I was trying to say, but so much simpler" :) haha!!

  9. Fantastic reflection and good advice.
    Women are jealous and bad counselors when they want. Men are not so malicious, more truthful and realistic.
    What a beautiful memory, words to remember

  10. its simple comments you get like that, that literally stops you in the your tracks and really makes you think of things huh?

    Amen to that quote. xoxo

  11. everyone of us should keep things that we learnf from people...doesnt matter if its a woman or a man...yet your "friend"gave you a really great advice.there's nothing sexier than a woman eith these days is something rare to be found!

  12. Caitlin, thanks a lot, sweety! :)

    Phil, true that!

    Gropius, he probably doesn't even remember. We've never talked again after going back home to our respective countries!

    Ellinelle, thank you!

    Mariona, thank you very much! That's exactly the way I see it too.

  13. Interesting story. I wonder where this guy is. He probably doesn't even know he impacted your life so greatly with a few words. Something beautiful


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