Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Complaints & Gratitude

Do you complain a lot? 

Because of the no complaints challenge held by 365 Grateful last week, this is the subject I've been thinking about more than usual recently. I came to realize that in me the fact that I don't complain much is a result of focusing on the things I'm thankful for rather than the things I'm lacking

For instance, I might not feel happy about some argument with my parents, but hey, I actually HAVE parents who are still around, not drug addicts or alcoholics and who actually love and care about me - I should be thankful. And I really do feel thankful often and try to express it just as often, and I feel it might be exactly the thing that prevents me from expressing dissatisfaction in the form of complaints. And when I do express my dissatisfaction with something it's because I want a solution, which means I either get over it and move on or share my feelings with someone I trust and then listen to their opinion and advice, making it a conversation rather than one way whining. In my world complaints and gratitude are mutually exclusive and the more thankful I am the less I'm prone to complaining.

This is my take on the subject. What do you think? 

P.S. Please note that the above is not meant to offend anyone. I'm just expressing myself and the way I see it and trying to spark some conversation here. You're only allowed to get offended if it'll help you complain less.


  1. Gratitude changes our lives and when we look back we are surprised how much!

  2. I agree with this! I go through periods of time when I think about what I'm grateful for more often and when I do I tend to complain less. It's just like you said, when you get in a fight with your parents it would be easy to complain, but at least they're here and they're active in your life and they love you. All of that is more important than a little fight you'll forget soon enough anyway!

  3. Good point! I'll take your advice when I'm on the verge of complaining.. Like too much work, at least I have a job. Or its too traffic, at least I have a car and I dont have to commute.. Really good entry Julia :)

  4. Happiness is all about perspective, right? Will remind myself too everytime I get the urge to complain ;)

  5. Off-topic: Oops. I gotta do something about that email thing. Let me tweak the settings.

    Oh wow, you've really been around! More reason for you to post your photos :) Yes, I do have a flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/koryniledan

    I use it for my Project 365. The idea is to post one significant photo a day for 365 days/1 year. Sort of a commitment challenge for me :)

    You should open an account then just upload what you think are your best travel photos ;)

  6. It's so easy not to complain when everything is going great. More challenging to do so when they aren't--and I am feeling a little challenged at the moment and out of my comfort zone, but focusing on all this is going right always helps.

    xo Mary Jo

  7. I love the Bette Davis quote! :)

  8. I'm always inspired by your positive attitude. I really need to be more like you. :)

  9. I am with you. Often time we look at what we don't have instead of what is in our possession already. We take it for granted because we can. It is nice to sit back and reflect.

  10. I totally agree with this. Being thankful for all that I do have really puts things in perspective. I always try to remind myself how lucky I am when I feel myself getting a bit whiny. A positive attitude can change your whole perspective.


  11. Very good, you are smart to do this. I must admit that I don't do so well with it when I'm arguing with my Dad, things get to both of us and it becomes just this very stupid fight... I should try this approach next time, worth a shot :)

  12. I think it's very important to always focus on your blessings as knowing you have them will help you get through hard times and low points. Having known people who like to complain and focus on the negative I can't help but wonder how much better their lives would be if they channelled that negative energy into creating something positive.


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)