
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

On Thank You Notes

In these two videos, Sally Horchow of Very Goodlooking talks to Marc Friedland of Couture Communications (they've created last year's "and the Oscar goes to" envelopes!) about how to write and present the perfect thank you note.

Should you need more of Marc Friedland's thankful tips, do check them out HERE! A few of my personal favorites from the list:

What are yours? Do you have any cool tips of your own?

P.S. Thank you to Thankuz for bringing these videos to my attention!


  1. Thank you notes are truely a mostly forgotten but still valuable thing that people can do to spread happiness. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you so much for posting this. I love these tips. I get all bent out of shape when I mess up and have to cross somethin gout. I usually use white out.


  3. Yay for etiquette!
    My tip: make your own TY notes and write in calligraphy :)


  4. great tips dear, nice video ! thanks for sharing all these <3 xx

  5. I love these ideas for making thank you notes a little more effortless and playful! :)

  6. I have vowed to myself to get better about sending "Thank You" notes. They are so important. I think I do pretty well, but I could be better.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. those are wonderful tips! I agree with just sending them whenever, it's so nice to receive them and giving them is even better.

    I also agree that it's okay if they're not perfect, it's the thought that counts.

    I always try to include something a little personal too :) So it's not just "thank you for the gift! -Caitlin"

  8. Ooh, Item No. 6 is something I haven't done. I think I wanna try that!

  9. I was just about to do no. 5! ;) no. 6 seems like a cool thing to do. Will do it in 2013!

  10. I love thank you notes! They always lift my spirits; even if I'm just writing them and not receiving them.

  11. 'Write myself a thank you note'- I like that

  12. You are right, there are no perfect way to write a thank you note. to me a perfect thank you note is when someone actually takes the time to write me that note and mail it to me. : )

  13. It is difficult to remain calm when everything around you provokes a scream. I realized this once when I started screaming at a teenager in the subway. Take the current situation. We are all in quarantine and this is morally unusual for people who talked only after work. When I realized this, I bought koi cbd oil for the whole family. This helps us to calmly look at the situation and be psychologically stable when watching the news.


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)