
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Meet Caylee: Our December "Quote"

Not only Caylee is featured as the December quote in our Thankful Calendar 2012, she also happens to be the very first The 'Thank You' Project's follower and left the very first comment on this blog back in 2009! This is something I still remember to this day, and I feel very thankful that me and her have kept in touch.

Currently, Caylee is a senior undergraduate at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, and is majoring in Anthropology. She works at her university's South Pacific study abroad office where she is developing a new study abroad program to Bali, Indonesia. And guess what, lucky Caylee gets to go to Bali as part of her job this summer! Way to fulfill her interest in travel, languages and cultures. Caylee, please master saying "thank you" in Indonesian for me, will you? 

I am thankful for sharing dreams and secrets with my best friend over a chai tea latte.

Caylee on her featured quote:  

"I wrote my thankful quote after my childhood best friend came from far away to visit me at college last autumn. She and I were sitting in my favorite coffee shop in Athens. It looks like a house, and it's super cute and cozy. We were both drinking chai teas (which were SO delicious) and talking about really deep feelings and issues... The type of stuff that you only share with the closest people in your life. After she left to go back home, I just felt so thankful for her and for those moments of connection. It's rare to find someone that you can be your true self with. And It's even more special with chai tea involved. :)"

You can get the Thankful Calendar 2012 here & view more photos of it here!


  1. This is one of my favorite quotes! I too love sharing dreams and secrets with my best friend! I just wish she lived closer to me.

    Enjoy Bali Caylee!

  2. Thank you!! I love your designs on Etsy, by the way. :)

  3. Nothing beats quality time with your bestie!

  4. so sweet. i love the truth in such a simple moment. something we should all be thankful for. and even more adorable that she was your first commenter! :) aw.

  5. Love this--these moments are so precious!

    xo Mary Jo

  6. Wonderful quote!
    Thank you both!


    ok, now that's out of the way, i too treasure those moments.

  8. Good stuff Caylee and Julia. Everyone should have someone like that they can depend on in life.

  9. ..Reading this I really miss my best friends around ( all 4 of us live in different countries ) , I am so Thankful for the times we Had !

  10. Elle: Loved the UGA shout out!

    Thank you for all of the sweet comments about my quote! :)

  11. What a great quote! Now I want to call up some old friends and share tea (or maybe coffee for me)! This made me smile :)


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)