
Friday, February 10, 2012


Natsumi Hayashi lives in Tokyo with her cats and makes levitating self-portraits (and portraits of cats not levitating) and posts them on her blog. I've been following her for a while and since I didn't know she had a Facebook page (or she didn't use to have one before), I'd been checking on the blog "manually" every once in a while. Thus, I saw the post pictured above for the first time just recently. 

Something about it made me think. When we express our sentiments about something or someone we lose, we're used to expressions like "will be missed", "will be remembered"... How often do we look back at the good times with the lost with appreciation? Honestly, when I was reading Natsumi's post, I just really didn't expect that "thank you". So much so, that I've just devoted a whole blog post to it. Thank you, Guru the cat.


  1. Oh Julia , this is such an emotional post , it's so painful to loose a pet , I used to have cat once who died in my arms , I still remember that , oh God Thanks to all pets we met and they shared they love with us ..even thought my current cat ripping my leather chair with no mercy I still love him !
    I am off to check her blog !

  2. that is very sweet and yes, you're right. I would normally expect a different sentiment. I love that she is simply thanking him for their little union, how sweet.

  3. Aw beautiful...I couldn't agree more! Death is always about the celebration of life isn't it??

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such thoughtful comments, hope you’ll be back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!


  4. That line stuck out to me too. How cool that she memorialized her cat in that way.


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)