

And regarding this project?

On September 25th of 2009 I wrote my manifesto and took up the challenge – I was going to update my blog with one thankful post a day for 365 days in a row. This was my way of proving the theory that positive thinking, optimistic attitude and thankful mindset could go a long way. Being a big believer in the idea of being the master of your own happiness and that one needs to practice what they preach, I aimed to find something to be thankful for even on my most miserable days. I made the challenge public so that I had no choice but to stick with the promise and welcomed everyone to watch me either succeed or fail in both proving my theory to the world and becoming a happier person to myself. 

And I did. I won. I was a new person by September 21st of the following year - I got happy.

As Lord Byron once said, “All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin.

This is why I am still here - blogging, sharing.