Sunday, November 22, 2009

Simply Packaging

I'm thankful for this awesome book on packaging design called Simply Packaging I got at this super awesome bookstore at 10 Corso Como in Milan. The 10 Corso Como place is an awesome concept in the whole and in general, and I might be thankful for it some time later, but now I just want to focus my attention on the book. I'm thankful to it for keeping me company on these days when I'm not feeling well and have to spend time mostly in bed. I, then, open the book and go through the pictures, reading the notes on the side. It helps me get distracted from the body's unpleasant sensations and keeps my mind inspired, so that when I'm back to the working mode I'm actually ready to have the work done. It puts me in a better mood too, since it brings all those good memories of that trip to Italy... It might come off silly, but when I realized how helpful this book had been I intentionally never opened it on other, normal, days, so I guess in a way I now have something to look forward to even when my body and system could use some rest. Talk about silver lining!..


  1. Nice! I love having something special to read on sick days. I hope you feel better! xoxo

  2. It's the first book I'm practicing it with, but I'm starting to really like the idea! I can't wait to get to the 3d part of the book, so it's like I almost can't wait to have to call in sick! lol Hilarious :)

  3. ..I love beautiful book shops ,all the stationery as well ,is like candy for a child ..I LOVE good books , they take you to different world ..

  4. I love the comparison of it being like a candy store for a kid... :)


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