Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Superwoman

I'm thankful to life for making me a fighter. I still break down and cry sometimes, but not as often as I used to, and even on my worst days I now always know that I'm going to pick myself up again. Today was not an easy day, but getting through it, I feel like a superwoman. And that is a damn nice feeling! What's more, I feel like there's nothing in this world that I cannot do. Life's downs can be so empowering and for that, I am thankful.


  1. That is an amazing feeling and state of mind. The hard part is keeping it and not letting doubt creep in. But you/we CAN do anything we set our minds to. Thanks for the reminder ;)

  2. That's great... you are empowered. I too feel like a superwoman myself especially when I'm with my boys.

  3. Hoping tomorrow's a better day for you. Hang in there. There's always a reason for challenges, and you're very smart for being grateful for them.

  4. Shannon, exactly! But, on the other hand, if life was that easy it wouldn't that interesting ;-)

    Leah, awesome feeling, isn't it? :)

    Gropius, thank you!!!

  5. I don't think life makes you a fighter — I think each one of us decides whether we are going to be a fighter or a victim. You've obviously chosen to be the hero of your own life, and it's something to be admired :]

  6. Graham, humm, there's truth in what you're saying... Although I wouldn't say life puts everyone in a situation/situations where they have to choose which path to take. Know what I mean?


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)