Sunday, January 24, 2010


Everything you do comes back to you. I've been a big believer in this theory for some time now, and I am thankful for this one of not many fair things in life. I am thankful, firstly, because always keeping this in mind, I can make better choices or at least feel responcible for going for the wrong thing if I choose to; and secondly, because whenever someone's bad to me I don't get too upset about it - I know it will come back to them and hit them harder. I know it because I had it coming back to me too, with both little things and bigger ones. I am very thankful for the life lesson too, I know better than that now.


  1. I also believe in Karma... and I believe in Confucius' saying "do unto others what you want others to do unto you".

  2. Oh yes, Karma, destiny and all that :) I love Confucius' sayings too!!

  3. I totally believe in the boomerang effect of karma!
    Fab post!


  4. Hmm...karma..used to believe in it, then realised that too many bad things happen to good people, and vice versa.

    La Société de mode | The Fashion Society

  5. This is something that I'm constantly telling myself. God and karma will take care of the nasties!

  6. I don't believe in karma, but usually people who do bad things get what they deserve in the end.

  7. i totally think the same too!!!
    its one of the reasons why i am trying to do the right...if anyone ever knows whats right....

  8. Oh how true this is! This gives me great comfort and helps to build a good sense of detachment. Karma's going to get you! Good or bad. :) Nice post as always.

  9. SO TRUE :) It always seems to come around good or bad, like you said. So many lessons learned and I'm sure more to learn.

  10. Believe in karma or not, but most still agree that what goes around comes back around... True that sometimes bad things happen to good people and vice versa, but in the end, everyone gets what they deserve and everyone seems to 'pay' for their deeds, good or bad. And well, good people make mistakes too ;-)

  11. haha its funny cause i always tell my roommates how i live and breathe karma, but they still don't believe me. despite how often is occurs !

    xx lue

  12. Such wisdom, Julia. You are inspiring.
    Living by these words would save a lot of people emotional energy and time. "Boomerang" is a great word choice.

  13. @The F Word Online: Some people are blind to the obvious, what can we do? lol

    @GIH: Thank you, dear :)

  14. Thanks for the English lesson n' this is a great post.

  15. English lesson? Hmm, you are welcome though :) Thanks!


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)