Monday, June 7, 2010

Chat, No Roulette

I'm thankful for our yesterday night's conversation with my friend Jack. Was good to catch up, to reminisce, to confess some things and to clear some things up... And I guess while I'm at it I also need to say thanks to MSN Messenger for even making this sweet chat possible, because long distance is not the most helpful thing when you want to talk to someone. So thanks!


  1. I'm thankful for a beautiful weekend with my beautiful boys!

  2. It's really amazing how we can talk instantly to people through any medium now, including computers. My family does webcam every weekend with our far-flung relations...Thanks Webcam.

  3. ...ooooh , I am so THANKFUL for Skype , it's so easy to keep in touch with family and friends , what would we do only with phones and big big bills : )

  4. So many people talk about the distance that technology causes, how we just don't have good relationships because of it. But I think it's amazing how technology can bring us together with folks all over the world, people from our past that wouldn't be comfortable to contact with a phone call and families that aren't living nearby. I love the possibilities as long as we don't let it consume us. Glad you could connect with him.

  5. Conversations like this are so wonderful! Hope your week is well!

  6. I'm so glad that we're able to talk to anyone anywhere now and it's easy to take it for granted. I'm thankful for my phone and how it makes my life a lot easier to communicate and connect with everyone. xxoxoxooxxoxo

  7. yup, I learned during a long distance relationship that modern technology can be a Godsend. :)

  8. it's good "talking" to a friend who is away from good thing coming from technology!

  9. I really enjoy reading your posts. I admire the fact you're challenging yourself and thinking so positively.

    Long distance can be difficult. I've been doing it for almost four years with my family and friends. I've learned little things like messenger and email are a beautiful thing. :)

    Have a great day!



I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)