Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm thankful that I've learnt how important it was to communicate my desires, ideas and needs. If you don't ask for something or suggest something, you'd never know if it was possible to get it or have it happen. Hearing an occasional "no" is nothing compared to an opportunity that might as well change your life if you just go for it. Plus, other people are really not supposed to read your mind at all times... Even I would only do so sparingly... Oh yes, I can read a thought or two if I absolutely have to, ha!..


  1. Would you give me your secret for reading some thoughts ? please !!!! ;)

  2. This is very important in life. It can be hard to do, but it's very good to learn how!

  3. ..OH Yes , we can't get anywhere without trying in that saying ' better regret what you did not what you didn't ' ..

    p.s oooh Julia , that necklace chain is adorable : ) it's here

  4. Such such truth this! The only risk is not risking :)

  5. Gosh- I don't have a problem saying what I want but I'm married to Dr. Quiet!

  6. Yes, communication is very important in all areas of life. Shutting down communication decreases happiness, and even increase the likelihood of lawsuits in doctor-patient relationships! See this link:

  7. true :) i haven't won the contest u tried to but i got some experience, i tried, and who knows if i won't be one of the 50 lucky people who will have my work on their book next year!

  8. So true. Lots to be gained, not much to lose-

  9. Having the confidence to just go for it is such a gift!

  10. Communication is definitely important- and most of the time, you can change the outcome of a request by the way you ask it! :) Lovely! And what thoughts can you read???

  11. Cheers to that. Nothing comes of life if we communicate nothing of our desires.

  12. Communication is important ..but only with ppl worth communicating ..


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)