Monday, October 11, 2010

Travel & Thank

Greetings to all from one of the lovely islands out there! I'm still traveling and enjoying my first vacation since the start of this blog project more than a year ago - can finally allow myself the luxury of living offline (and traveling) for a bit! 

Traveling, however, didn't make me forget all about being thankful. The first day of my vacation was such a fantastic start to it that I immidiately wanted to share all those things I appreciated with a dear friend of mine. I didn't have the internet access at the time, so I turned to my cell phone, but guess what, there was absolutely NO way all those thankful things would fit into one text message! That's when I got out my laptop and started typing it all down - just so that I don't forget and can pass on the thankful info later.

Looking at those traveling thanks displayed on my computer screen, I decided I wanted to do this every day and I sticked to it. So, my question to you, would you be interested in me featuring those daily travel thanks on this blog once I'm back in a week?


  1. Hooray you got to travel! I'd love seeing travel thanks, if you can bear to be back online daily like that :)

    P.S. Took the thankful survey!

  2. Yess I'd love it tooO!!! please do that:) but tell me.. where on islands are you?:)

  3. wow, what islands? hope you are having fun

  4. Would love them Julia! Will look forward to it. Travel safely.

  5. hey julia! would love to see them. your thank you blog is very inspiring :)


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)