Sunday, June 3, 2012

Travel Value

The Sartorialist reader made a valuable point here, but Mr. Scott made a better one. It reminded me of the value of travel besides all the obvious ones, and for that I'm thankful today. 

I love how travel opens my eyes to other places and cultures but it also shakes me out of the day to day numbness of seeing my own culture and how special it can be.

Forgot that for a moment... But next time I travel and then go back, I resolve to remember.


  1. "but it also shakes me out of the day to day numbness of seeing my own culture and how special it can be" --> I very much agree with this part :)

    1. Reading that yesterday, I realized I really forgot that. This was a great reminder!

    2. That's the beauty of traveling, I guess. You appreciate how wonderful the rest of the world is, but it makes you embrace even more your own culture :)

  2. Definitely well put. It's along those lines that I decided I wanted to be a tourist in my own area. Even if it's just local travel, it opens up your eyes to little pockets of things you may never have even realized existed so close to where you live.

  3. ..very clever and thoughtful quote ! I agree 100 % ..


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)