Sunday, November 15, 2009

Uninspired State of Mind

In all honesty, I'm sitting here and feeling very uninspired right now, staring blankly at my computer screen... But, at the same time, I realize this quiet time is much needed, for I had such rough last days at work that week. I even feel now that this uninspired state of mind is a good thing - gives me a great chance to just really relax finally. So I'm thankful I don't have to keep up with all those thoughts racing through my head at least for a day.


  1. Way to find the silver lining, even during an "off" day.

    I can easily relate to feeling uninspired—it does happen. I think you're ahead of the curve for even being AWARE that you're experiencing this.

  2. You always have the nicest things to say :) Yeah, I'm always trying to find the best even in the worst situations... I can be such an impossible optimist sometimes lol


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)