Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just Fine

Even if I could, I wouldn't change my life, 'cause really, my life's just fine. And I am still thankful for this relatevely new realization.

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true" - Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens


  1. "The illumination is only the sudden vision, by the spirit, of a slowly prepared road" - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

  2. Guillaume, wasn't it you who doubted the existance of fate? :)

  3. everything really does happen for a reason =) if we changed anything, we wouldnt be the same person

    xx lue

  4.'s such a wonderful words to hear , it's almost like some kind of blessing , a peace ...because if the person is not happy with the life they are in, it means something don't let them .., it's like fighting with herself and it can be neverending ..I think it's really a blessing to have this peace..
    ..well , sometimes I do complain to myself , but after I just feel guilty about that , because the beauty of living is appreciate what you have and it's just silly to think 'what if ...'

  5. I love my life too. Have a great day Julia. xoxo

  6. I think that I wrong expressed myself the other time...
    I would just said what 'The F word online' said above - Thanks:)
    But we often don't know which action has been done by someone and why it lead him toward us

  7. wow, that's really great quote. you get your dreams when you're ready to pay the price. I've proven that.:)

  8. Lue, true! I believe in that too.

    Ellinelle, it's ok to whine a little sometimes, because we all have our downs and lows, but it's true that it's very important to be in harmony with your existance most of the time! No easy task though :)

    Guillaume, no one says we even need to know :)

    Gleenn, me too! One of my most favorite quotes :)

  9. very true and a great thing to be thankful for

  10. Ah! I know exactly how you feel. I also recently decided that there are no real reasons to complain. Things either go one way, or they go the other. And whichever the direction of things, we always end up just fine :)

  11. Graham, exactly... Pretty much all's bearable if you're willign to look at it from the right angle ;)

  12. Yes. I feel the same way. I realize I'm happy now, and happy that I'm happy. It's a good way to be.

  13. Looks great!! Very much worth being thankful for!


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)