Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Care 2

There are people who care about you, and then there are people who also care about your feelings. I realize those are two different things. A true connection isn't possible without the latter, so I am thankful for people who take the time to know you better and do or say things taking into consideration your distinctive personal qualities.


  1. ..I think people who is big hearted and have love 'inside' will care about other peoples feelings , this is not selfish persons quality , I think so ..and you are right that these are two VERY different things , strange , I never thought about that before and i just had some deep thoughts and wondering about something ..
    this post made me think ..

  2. That's very insightful. Never thought about it that way. I think it's a difference in the levels of emotional intelligence. Some people just don't get the feelings part or are so blinded by themselves, they can't even approach the whole aspect of other perspectives.

  3. I want to have both... caring about me and my feelings... that's my gauge for real friendships.

  4. I totally agree. Well said! I also liked Gropius's comment. People can be too self absorbed to even notice what others are going through around them.

  5. A great example:
    A person who sees no other property is walking down the street and accidentally gives a blow to someone who is walking. The angry person tells another monitor, to look where he walks and is not even suggests that perhaps who has inadvertently hit is because it looks no good.
    We believe that everyone should think or see things like us without making the effort to understand that everyone is different.
    Sorry for the translation.

  6. I never thought about that and that's a great point. I'm not thinking about what the difference is in the people I know...

  7. That's very true. I'm definitely more inclined to be aware and considerate of the feelings of the people I hold dear. I try, of course, to extend the same courtesy for everyone I know, but it does come easier for certain people.


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)