
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Lady and a 'Thank You' in Real Simple Magazine

My Lady and a 'Thank You' is getting all famous! If you followed the story from the beginning, you might remember the original post about the encounter itself, the follow-up with your opinions on the situation and my quest for truth. As part of said quest, I turned to Real Simple for help, and they ended up featuring the question in the September issue of their magazine, both in print and online. Albeit the initial question was changed to the extent of being unrecognizable, I am still happy for the Lady and a 'Thank You'! Thank you, Real Simple!

 To read the answer, click on the screenshot picture above or here!


  1. Hi Julia! I totally agree iwht her answer.I always hold doors open for others behind me I dont look at the sex of the person and have to think.Its a common coutesy.I cant imagine having a door slam onto someone after me.OUCH!Common sense for Common courtesy!

    Have a nice week!

  2. In my old savoir vivre book it says men enter buildings first so they can hold the door for the ladies. The ladies always say thanks. I hold the door for women older than me and mothers with children or ppl without free hands (holding boxes/shopping bags etc).

  3. I like the answer. I always say thank you regardless of sex because it shows appreciation which is never wrong. I will try to keep the door open for someone behind as I walk through if possible. : )

  4. Perfect answer! It is just how I answered it before reading her response. :) I agree, it's easier on everyone to say thank you and move on, otherwise trying to return the favor is incredibly awkward. Haha.

  5. Looks like someone has been holding the door open for you - see it pays to be polite....

  6. Hi Julia! Thanks for the visit today.Where have you been? I hope all is good with you.

  7. ^^ Wow, this topic is getting hotter...

    xo Rachel

  8. That's an interesting question, I would just usually say Thank You.

    I love it when men are gallant like that. :)

    The Cat Hag

  9. What a fabulous answer - I could not agree more! :)

  10. ahhhhhhhhhhh, it's out??????? I kid you not, I'm going to try and find the magazine this week- I want to see!!!! :) I'm so excited for you!

  11. How exciting!! I am so thrilled you are featured in Real Simple!!

    I agree with the answer. I always hold open doors for those behind me, whether it's a man, woman, child - doesn't matter. It just seems like common courtesy to hold open the door.

  12. Uhm

    The post shows a revolving door...there is only one way a man can serve a lady here: By going through the door as first...the lady follows...Julia! You are tricky! :P

  13. Ugh, Guido (of Chair Blog) - they changed my question to the extent of being totally unrecognizable and used a very unfortunate photo indeed lol :)


I appreciate you taking the time to connect and share your thoughts, so thank you for your comment! And while you're at it... Why not tell me what you're thankful for today? ;-)