Sunday, January 31, 2010

'Cause I Ain't No Gossip Girl

I've never been the one to gossip about others and I'm not into all the gross celebrity gossip, even though I do appreciate celeb news and latest pictures every once in a while. Everything is only good in moderation. Staying away from those who spread rumors and not being one myself has only been helpful in life, and I'm thankful I'm not the gossipy type.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Shower Me With Love

Let me be weird and be so thankful for hot showers. Ohh, how I love these. Please let me share my dream shower with you too: I would totally love to have THIS in my future dream house. I would never ask for another, seriously.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I Belong to You

Another one of just a few all time favorite songs of mine is "I Belong to You" by Lenny Kravitz. I'm thankful for it because for so many years now it's been making me feel so good. Nothing like listening to it in the ambience of the morning sun and letting it fill you with such calming inner sunshine...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Don't Speak

That night I woke up in the middle of my sleep because of my own giggles... Now who giggles at their own dreams while still asleep?!. What was that, huh? The dream was hilarious though and worth laughing at, but such thing has never happened to me before. But you know what, I am soooo thankful that at least I don't talk in my sleep, who knows what kind of things I'd be saying! Especially taking into consideration the vividness and richness of my dreamy world, oh thank you!..

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Barcelona Chair

My first personal encounter with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona chair took place at Living lounge in Milan last spring, and ever since then I could never miss an opportunity to praise its ridiculous comfortableness once asked either about chairs or my Milanese impressions. I think that night there is exactly the time when first seeds of this approaching designer chairs obsession were planted - I find myself developing some unhealthy interest in the subject. Anyways, before I write an essay, let me get down to thanking. Thank you, dear Ludwig, for creating a perfect chair!

P.S. I'm afraid I can't promise no posting about chairs in the future... It's taking over me!..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gangster's Paradise

I've decided to do a series of thankful posts on my most favorite music - both songs and music videos. Just because I love music and believe that our favorite shapes us too, which is always a good thing to be thankful for. So, one of the very few of my most favorite songs ever is "Gangster's Paradise" by Coolio (unexpected, eh?). So many years after I've heard it for the first time it still sounds fresh to me and I still experience the same emotions from listening to it. I love the message. I'd say it's put simply, but it's oh so true. Back in my more or less troubled and depressive teenagehood I always felt I could relate in a one way or another, and I love it how the song always made me think. The lyrics can be found here.

P.S. I sinserely believe one doesn't have to grow up in a ghetto to be able to relate to a rap track like this one. To me and to those who really listen, it has a much deeper meaning.

Monday, January 25, 2010

V for...

Ridiculous thing to be thankful for, but I can't help it - so frickin' thankful I'm not a virgin. Okay, sorry if I disspointed someone or hurt someone's feelings, but, in my case, being one used to ruin my life in all possible and impossible ways, what a struggle it used to be!.. I'm not even kidding. Certain amount of years later (definately not disclosing any more exact info on the subject, ha) I am still happy I was freed of the burden. To give my probably shocked readers a little more insight on the whole thing, let me leave you with one of my favorite quotes, by Bette Davis:

"From the age of six, I have known that I was sexy. And let me tell you it has been hell, sheer hell, waiting to do something about it."

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Everything you do comes back to you. I've been a big believer in this theory for some time now, and I am thankful for this one of not many fair things in life. I am thankful, firstly, because always keeping this in mind, I can make better choices or at least feel responcible for going for the wrong thing if I choose to; and secondly, because whenever someone's bad to me I don't get too upset about it - I know it will come back to them and hit them harder. I know it because I had it coming back to me too, with both little things and bigger ones. I am very thankful for the life lesson too, I know better than that now.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Time Heals Everything?

They say time heals everything... It's not easy to judge how true the saying is when you haven't lived enough (those who have don't really use computers, I believe), but one thing is certain - time does teach you how to cope with hurts. With each new time it gets esier both to let go and get back on your feet. If back in the day I used to think I couldn't make it, now I always know I can. Knowing this is helpful in itself, and I am thankful for it.

"The best words of encouragement your mind would yield to, are those spoken to it by you" - Leussa Adrienne

Friday, January 22, 2010


I'm thankful for those tiny moments which, when caught on tape, make for some very attractive photos. I'm convinced that sometimes it's not about a fancy camera in your hands, but rather some luck and ability to catch this one special tiny period of time.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

You Live, You Learn

I love it how I've been learning so much about myself lately. Due to certain reasons a lot of my passions and interests had to be either kept locked away or calmed down constantly when I was growing up, and it kept preventing me from both developing my future oriented self and being happier. I feel like I've only started coming out to the world with my real self two years ago, and ever since then I've really seen myself coming to life, which I am tremendously thankful for.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


At long last my personal wi-fi internet has arrived!.. Oh, thank you, dear brother! It only took you about 1 month, but I'm not complaining... Yay!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Along with believing in destiny, thankfulness, fairness, dreams, intuition and coincidences, I believe in signs. Signs that life sends us. Sometimes they leave me speechless, sometimes they bring joy, sometimes they give much needed hope. I'm thankful one sign can be helpful in a hopeful situation, and I'm thankful one sign can chop off my wings when I get hopelessly dreamy.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Shaolin Monks' Show

I am still so thankful for the Shaolin Monks' show I got to attend last year! Looking at these two photos I took during it still brings back the show's magic. I enjoyed it so much that if I knew I'd be so in love, I'd get tickets for both shows in Moscow... and go see the same thing two days in a row. When they're coming back, I am there!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tree Silhouettes

Trees are beautiful creations, and no matter how much I love palm trees, there's this one thing I appreciate more about other trees - tree silhouettes and the sight of the sun lingering through a tree's branches and its leafs. I am thankful I get to see this beauty.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Do Better

During our lifetime we all meet all kinds of people and each one of them affects us differently. A lot of times unwillingly, even good people happen to bring out your worst side, leaving you feel stressed out over little things you shouldn't even worry about, because deep inside even you know you can do better than that... Knowing them is still a reason to be thankful, because you get a great opportunity to learn about yourself, but this post is for the people who bring out the best in you, silently, just by being in your life.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Killer Whales Have a Thing for Me

In my dream that night a killer whale licked my hand. In fact, it sucked half my arm and I was told it did that because it liked my smell... I'm thankful for the funny dream because all of that felt quite real and I've never experienced anything like that or even gotten that close to whales. Ah, reminds me how much I want to go to a seaquarium!..

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I never really saw it myself until I saw this set of pictures - seated in a very traditional Russian setting I look especially non-Russian. A lot of times when I travel people take me for a local, and I must admit I've always considered it a good thing and loved all the funny encounters! Once in Paris a girl came up to me complimenting my shoes, which I didn't understand until I disappointed her with my lack of French language skills... In Italy I easily go for an Italian and in Spain I look fairly Spanish, within a group of British I am British too, out and about with someone from the States I seem perfectly American... And I could never get bored of this! I am thankful I can travel to places that are new yet feel so at home and 'familiar' to locals, and I am thankful I can pass for a tourist when hanging out with friends from abroad here in Moscow... Priceless!..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Think I've Never Really Thanked Animals Before...

Pet photography is not an easy thing, and when it comes to wild animals it doesn't get easier... Coming across this picture in my folders reminded me how thrilled I was to be able to capture this teenage (I think) hedgehog in all it's natural wonderfulness a few years back!! Just look at this little poser! Thank you, little hedgehog, and I'm sorry for blinding you a little with my camera flash...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fair Play

I've always been very concerned with everything having to be fair, ever since I was a little a kid. To feel comfortable and at peace, I need to know that people in my life put an equal amount of effort and energy into our relationships, I like to know that if I did something for someone I can count on them and expect the same treatment back... It's not because I like taking or like it more than giving, but because I was born with a fairness obsession. See, even I myself have no problem admitting it. It's not the easiest quality to live with, and maybe it's not something people should aspire for or value, but I'm thankful I have it, because at the end of the day, what matters is that I know my conscious is clear.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Emotional Baggage

Someone's (mine) thankfulness has no limits, let me explain you why. Yesterday I wrote a note on Facebook titled "I'm a Loser, Baby" - my thoughts on my weird love patterns. The analysis inspired yesterday's thankful post too. And today, after leaving a comment that made a whole lot of sense to me, Graham, my amazing blogger buddy, is my hero! His remark inspired my status update on FB, which in turn, inspired a very meaningful conversation with my girl pals Deb and Sarah. Right now I am so elevated, so encouraged and so thankful! I am thankful to Graham for always being very on point with his comments and bringing a fresh attitude; I am thankful to Debby for putting in so much into our today's conversation and taking the time to make me feel cared for; I am thankful to Sarah for never judging me and always cheering me up; and last, but not least, I am thankful for having all the emotional baggage that I have - without it I'd never be who I am today, and I'm kind of very fond of this person! THANK YOU!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

No Jerks

I'm thankful I've been lucky enough to have never been involved with a jerk. Things might had not worked out beautifully between us for the most part, but all of the men in my life have been very decent guys, which sometimes makes it tougher on you though - it's always easier to convince yourself you "don't need this jerk in your life no more"... But life is life, good things come to an end too! Thanks to each one of them for teaching me very precious things about this thing called life.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Big Hair

Freshly washed and blow dried big hair inspires me. This is kind of weird but I'm thankful - I would never refuse some inspiration!..

Okay now, usually I wouldn't do this within this blog, since the purpose of it is pretty clear, but being all filled up with gratitude and gladness over the following, I'm giving in! So, absolutely amazing baked goodies artist (because this describes her best) Ms. Humble of Not So Humble Pie has presented me with an award and tagged me to share 10 things about myself. Let me tell you, being one of the 10 chosen bloggers out of 1462 Humble followers feels so special! I so not expected to see my name there.

10 things about me, in no particular order:

1) I was growing up knowing I wold be a singer until at 14 I realized I had absolutely no skills whatsoever. It hurt back then, I'm over it now.
2) I'm very practical and rational when it comes to falling in love and love has never been blind to me.
3) One of the nicknames given to me by the boys back in school was something in the lines of 'Miss Cold-Blooded Tranquility'... Tough, eh?
4) I like English more than Russian.
5) I don't like talking in the morning and would rather have my early breakfast in silence.
6) I'm a very physical person, touch is extremely important to me.
7) I love to learn but I don't like to study. Go figure.
8) I've had the same cell phone number ever since I got my first cell phone. Talk about being loyal!
9) I hate it when people are jealous of me, reasonably or not.
10) I'm honestly a very thankful person.

In turn, I need to tag 10 other people, but like I always add in such cases, do it only if you feel like doing it! Here's your award, guys:

Friday, January 8, 2010


Reading my fellow blogger Gropius' latest post on dreams and their meaning, I thought it was time to give thanks for my dreams and the signs they sometimes give me. Of course, not all of our dreams are supposed to provide guidance and lead us in life but some of them give amazing insight on what's really happening inside of our minds. I'm thankful for the additional help.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cloud 41?

Year 2009 blessed me with enough visits by friends from other countries, and each such visit was a lot of fun! They all might have come to Moscow for different reasons, but I believe we all enjoyed the time spent together. And although I loved being a tourist in my own city, discovering the familiar sights from a new point of view, I absolutely loved doing something completely different here in Moscow and visiting places I'd never been before and maybe wouldn't even ever go to otherwise. One such place and experience I am very thankful for is a yet to be finished Federation Tower of the Moskva-City business center complex and its glorious Moscow views from the 41st floor.
And if you're curious as to what was happening there or want some more incredible views, HERE's more on the beauty and a perfect glimpse on the kind of activity that took place.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dear Body Pt. II

Dear Body, I love you and I am thankful for you. I am thankful the body image issues are now in the past and I am thankful you've been on my side ever since I decided to become healthier, more toned and much slimmer. I am thankful you're always on my side when I seem to be getting off track, and I am thankful you are always there to help me get back on track. Ever since I was little I knew one day I'd have you and now I am thankful you are mine. And I am thankful I'm always on your side too.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Underneath My Clothes

I'm declaring my love and appreciation for lingerie! Love shopping for it, love wearing it, love taking it off, love having something really fancy underneath a simpler outfit, love making men go 'wow'... And I should stop now before it's gotten too personal, ha. LOVE beautiful lingerie, who's with me?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sleeping In

I woke up at half past noon today and really didn't like it. I hate sleeping too long and waking up too late! But I am so thankful I woke up with no headache - my usual company if I accidentally use the chance to sleep in when I'm presented with such opportunity, like today. I mean, I have stuff to do, and I'd rather get to being busy with a clear head!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Up in the Sky

I like flying, and being inside a plane up high in the sky even makes me feel relaxed and peaceful - it's the only public place I feel absolutely comfortable sleeping at. That alone is a good reason to be thankful, since I know people who are scared of flying, but thinking about planes reminded me of this absolutely spectacular flight I had recently. I was flying back home to Moscow from Barcelona and the experience couldn't be more gorgeous. At first I kept seeing tiny boats navigating in the open seas, then amazingly beautiful, weirdly shaped clouds, closer to the end of the flight I was presented with a show of setting sun... But the most amazing thing was this round rainbow pictured above. I'd never been so close to one before, and I'm thankful for the most beautiful flight in my life so far!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Moscow By Night

I've always loved going for rides through the city, and Moscow has always seemed especially stunning to me at night. And even though it might not have the most impressive skyline of city lights out there, I must say the sight of Kremlin by night still fascinates me like no other. Whenever I happen to drive by it fills me with something I can't quite explain and almost takes my breath away, making anything in this life seem possible. I think it might have a little something to do with feeling proud and patriotic... And I am thankful for the rare feeling of this almighty love.

/photo courtesy of a friend of mine

Friday, January 1, 2010

PB, no Jelly

I dunno, is it weird that on the first day of 2010 I just really feel like being thankful for peanut butter? I eat it basically every day and today was no exception, but somehow today the idea of praising it seems more appealing than ever, ha. LOVE the stuff!

What about you, guys? Do you like peanut butter and if you do, how do you eat it?