I once read somewhere that the best way to create harmony in your life and spread it to those around you was to first find and establish that harmony within yourself. This is no easy task and I could never succeed in it until I met Teddy, who has been succefully 'balancing me out' ever since.
I don't know how he does what he does, all I know is that he's my personal guarding angel. Might sound silly, but it's something I believe in and only refer like to two people I know - my grandma and my Teddy. If she's the reason I still breathe, he's the reason I still believe. She brought me back to life physically, and he brought me back to life emotionally. He heals my hurts, he always knows what to say and how to cheer me up, sometimes I get a feeling that maybe he knows me a little better than I know myself... He's always been there to save me from my demons and whisk me away from the approaching blues, never asking for anything in return - he's the opposite of selfish and I love his heart. He doesn't know this, but I compare him to my grandma a lot. They're the only people I know with such incredibly beautiful souls. I swear I can see their halos.So Teddy, I've told you that at least like 30 times before (and I hope you're not tired of hearing it yet), but thank you so much for being in my life. Thank you for being the best friend one can be. Thank you for being my harmony. Thank you for being you. Happy Birthday and God bless the parents who made you.
P.S. Got so caught up in being thankful I almost forgot it was supposed to be a birthday post, ha... Love ya!..